Month: March 2020

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Find out about your company’s consumption: 3 different ways to do it

In the following post we talk about how you can find out about your company’s consumption Currently, a large part of companies’ infrastructure costs is mainly due to electricity consumption. Indeed, at a certain size, control of your company’s consumption expenditure is lost. You don’t know anymore which machine is consuming what, or which floor […]

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What is ISO 50001 and how to get it?

We explain in the following article what exactly ISO 50001 is, its benefits and how to get it In order to define ISO 50001, we first have to talk about what an Energy Management System (EMS) is. In short, it is the part of an organization’s management system dedicated to developing and subsequently implementing its […]

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Environment and Smart Cities: A Solution for the planet

Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things are presented as fundamental pieces in matters such as waste management or energy efficiency The environment and the Smart Cities are two of the great issues we face today. We’re not just talking about a better management of energy and waste with a view to personal and collective […]

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