Intelligent street lighting: the first step to the future cities

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Street lighting with LED technology and remote control allows to optimize the cities’ electrical consumption, as well as being an economic and respectful option with the environment

The importance of public lighting as a city service is essential for the operation and security of a city at night. As an infrastructure, it covers its entire area and offers greater fluidity between all municipal services, with a point of light approximately every 30 meters. Therefore, the street lighting system becomes a key player in the development of smart cities. And the connectivity, accompanies you in the process.

Thus, the fundamental areas that allow the creation of intelligent public lighting are:

  • Lighting. Since the development of LED technology is a determining factor in the evolution of lighting solutions
  • Communications. With the possibility of designing and implementing small-sized devices. This, together with new protocols and architectures, which enable point-to-point wireless connectivity with low cost and consumption
  • Digital systems. With reference to the storage, treatment, combination and processing of data, and with the development of applications for the management and visualization of information obtained on different platforms and devices
The development of LED technology is a determining factor in the evolution of lighting solutions

Lighting transformation into intelligent street lighting has, and achieves, three main objectives:

  • Improve energy efficiency (which has resulted in cost savings for the municipality)
  • Increase the quality of lighting (for greater comfort of citizens)
  • Be more environmentally friendly (reducing consumption and CO2 emissions)

In this way, knowing the data derived from public lighting constitutes very valuable information that is given by multiple sensors and devices in different formats and technologies

And, in view of this situation, platforms such as W-City are born, capable of capturing, processing and unifying all this information in a single platform, thus allowing the management of all the sensors and their information.

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