Our new monthly report allows to know key data of monitored photovoltaic installations in an automated way.
Every day a greater environmental commitment is required and companies are taking a step ahead. Thus, Wattabit has launched a solution to monitor photovoltaic installations for self-consumption, which allows the owner to know the energy balance of his installation and the generated savings, and the installer / maintainer to detect installation breakdowns and inefficiencies and guarantee the return on investment.

Wattabit has launched a solution to monitor photovoltaic installations for self-consumption.
For this, we have included into our solution an automated report of PV installations so that users have a monthly control over their system. These are the main components of the report:
Installation Data
First, we’ll find the project data, which includes the tariff of the supply point, the power and the type of photovoltaic installation. There are two types of self-consumption facilities: with surpluses or without surpluses. In the first case, if the solar panels produce more energy than the energy the customer consumes, it is possible to inject the excess energy into the network and get money from your power supplier. In the second case, a zero injection kit is installed to produce only the energy consumed at each point in time

Energy balance of the installation
With W-Manager, we not only monitor the energy produced but also the power demand of the building or infrastructure. Thus, the user can see the monthly electrical balance and the graph with the daily balance. What is the energy balance? It is the comparison between the energy consumed, which can be supplied by the network or by the photovoltaic installation, and the solar energy produced, which can be self-consumed or injected into the network (in case of a self-consumption installation where surpluses are allowed).

Savings by solar energy
This section summarizes the savings in two columns: savings for self-consumed energy and savings for injected energy (if there are surpluses). In addition, savings are broken down by periods, since each period is priced at different rates. As the surpluses are priced at the wholesale market rate that varies every hour (electric pool), we have connected W-Manager to the OMIE (Iberian Energy Market Operator) to calculate the savings obtained by surpluses discharged.

In this last section we highlight data such as the days of greater and lesser energy production or the day of greater solar coverage. Solar coverage is the percentage of energy demanded by the facility that has been covered by solar energy.
To guarantee a return on investment, it is essential to monitor the performance ratio (PR), also included in the report, which measures the efficiency of the photovoltaic plant as a percentage of the actual electricity generation with respect to the theoretical generation.

Learn more about our photovoltaic projects by clicking on our blog or booking a demo. We will be happy to help you!